About W3YXE Radio Amateurs of Corry

The Radio Amateurs of Corry (W3YXE), founded in 1953,is an amateur radio club located in Corry, PA.
The Radio Amateurs of Corry have been an American Radio Relay League (http://www.arrl.com) affiliated
amateur radio club in Southern Erie County since July 1956.

About This Station

The RAC operates three Amateur Radio repeaters:
*2-meters 147.090 +PL 186.2 W3YXE
*1.25 cm 224.060 -PL 186.2 N3RSN
*70 cm 444.800 +PL 186.2 W3YXE

Monthly Club Meetings are held on the First Tuesday of the Month at Elgin fire department

For any Comments, Concerns,or Request, please feel free to email: webmaster@w3yxe.com . Send Email

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